Wednesday 14 May 2008

My business Mind.

I was never one for education. Up until my GCSE’s I got by, its when I got to my A levels that I realised I wanted to get into some sort of business. To please my parents I stayed on to complete my A levels (barely). I then applied for a foundation course in engineering with City University, which would go on to be a Bachelors s in Computer System Engineering if I passed. I moved to the city with my 2 brothers and 2 of their friends.

To be honest I wasn’t really happy with the whole idea of uni but tried to make the best of it, its not that the course was difficult because I ended the year with a 80 something percent average. I dunno maybe if I was in a course that was more business related and enjoyed more, maybe I would have been more attentive.

When I got to the first year of my bachelors then that’s when I really started to slip. Believe it or not there was a module for which I only attended one class all year and my friends are witnesses to this, other classes I attended now and then and just barely made the coursework dates. It was during my first year that I decided to make a try at business. So with using my student loan as capital I decided to buy a set of 20 used Irons from ebay, you heard it right, the stuff you use to straighten out the creases from your clothes. I had become an ebay addict at the time and would spend hours at a time cruising through all the deals and auctions (don’t laugh until you’ve tried it). The irons arrived, 1 month later I cleaned them up, and 1 year later they were sitting in my shed.

After the first year of my bachelors I made the stern decision to leave university, although my parents and extended family were not very happy with the idea they accepted the fact that education just wasn’t for me (how wrong was I, see how this comes to bite me in the backside later on)

I once heard a wise man does not get stung in the same place twice (or something like that), well I guess I am not very wise. After the Iron episode, which I am up until this day famous for amongst my family, I decided to chip in with my cousin and buy a couple of pallets of used electrical goods. I had repaired a few electrical items at home in the past and suddenly I thought I was an electrical repair man or sumfin. The idea was to fix up the stuff and resell it at the local Hounslow West weekend market.

So me and my cousin got ready, got into my brothers Toyota Corolla 1986 and drove down to Brighton where our fortune was awaiting us, we bought 2 pallets of used goods, shoved one of the pallets in our car and had one delivered. We thought we had grabbed a bargain, but its only when we started to unload the stuff at my cousins house from the car is when we realised we’d been had, but we didn’t let that get to us, we tried to do something with the stuff but nothing was working out, in the end I ended up selling the pallets on eBay for a small loss, we were just glad to see the back of the stuff.

After this I got involved in Mobile Phones, Japanese Imports, Dried food delivery, Park Security, and much more, but nothing was really working out, I was like a Pakistani Delboy trying to earn a quick buck. Then I was introduced to what would bring me to Pakistan.

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